Why a marathon in Ethiopia?
As well as being home to one of the world’s most cultured civilizations, Ethiopia also has a rich history of distance running and for the past fifty years has been the training ground to some of the world’s greatest athletes. On top of this, the people of Ethiopia are incredibly warm and friendly – hospitality is an important feature of life in the country - and are proud to share their Ethiopian heritage with visitors.
Is Ethiopia a safe country to visit?
Speak to any westerner living in Ethiopia and you will quickly hear that Ethiopia is a very safe place to stay and to visit. In many ways, people say that life in Ethiopia, and particularly in the places visited by tour participants, is safer than in the western world. The city of Hawassa and all regions chosen for the tours are safe for visitors.
Do Ethiopians speak English?
English is not widely spoken among the public at large, although educated Addis Ababans including today’s younger generation of Ethiopians do speak a passable level of English. English is spoken at the hotels used on the tours.
Will a charity benefit from the Haile Gebrselassie Marathon?
The Entoto Foundation will receive a minimum of $200,000 from the Haile Gebrselassie Marathon. If you would like to be part of our Entoto Running Team, and raise additional funds for the Entoto Foundation, please contact us at RunEntoto@www.HaileMarathon.com. As part of the Entoto Running Team, you will get to meet some of patients and their doctors who are benefitting from your efforts.
If you would like to run and raise funds or awareness for another charity, please contact us. We will do our best to assist you.
Can I meet Haile Gebrselassie?
A highlight of the tour will be the opportunity to meet Haile during your stay in Hawassa.
What shots will I need?
We suggest you visit your doctor for an individual recommendation on all necessary shots and vaccinations.
Do I need a Passport and visa?
A valid passport is required with at least six months left before its expiration date. Visas for the following countries may be obtained upon arrival at Bole International Airport for a fee of $20:
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Democratic people's Republic of Korea (northern Korea), Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea (south Korea), the Russian Federation, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America.
Citizens of other countries should contact the Ethiopian Embassy in their country. If your country does not have an Ethiopian Embassy and is not on the above list, please contact Awaze Tours at for assistance.
Are there enough good hotel rooms for everyone?
Because the tourism infrastructure in Ethiopia is still developing, some of our runners will be aware of a difference in class of hotels we have selected for our tours. True, we don't have enough rooms at premium hotels such as the Haile Resort to accommodate everyone. However, we will make sure all of our guests get at a minimum, a clean, standard room. Please review this website for pictures of the various hotels we have selected. For those not assigned to the premium hotels, we will make extra efforts to ensure the stay at your hotel is an enjoyable one.
Is there air conditioning?
Generally no, but it is not necessary as the climate is mild.
What is the weather like in Hawassa in October?
The average temperature for Hawassa in October is 68F/20C. The average maximum temperature during this time is 79F/26C and the average minimum is 54F/12C. Temperatures are likely to be around 50F/10C at the time of the race start at 6:15 in the morning.
Is the water safe to drink?
Although tap drinking water is purified and widely consumed by the middle classes, it is recommended for foreign visitors to drink only bottled water. This is widely available at hotels, restaurants and shops in all the towns and places visited on the tours.
What about food?
Ethiopia has vast amounts of fertile land which provide a variety of fruits, grains, vegetables, as well support a sizable population of livestock. Ethiopia is actually a net exporter of food and obtaining fresh food for our runners will not be a problem. To design menus and supervise food preparation, we have hired experienced professionals to ensure high standards.
What if I have a medical emergency?
In the unlikely event of a medical evacuation, it would be important to have the necessary medical insurance coverage. Westerners living in Ethiopia routinely use medical services available in Addis Ababa, including clinics and hospitals, but in emergency situations also choose to be referred to hospitals in other parts of Africa including Nairobi and Johannesburg.
What is the form of currency?
The currency in Ethiopia is the Ethiopian birr. It cannot be purchased outside Ethiopia. There are many banks and hotels in Addis Ababa that will exchange western currency for birr, including a couple of banks situated inside Bole International Airport in Addis Ababa.
How much cash should I bring?
The tours are all inclusive, but we recommend bringing enough money for souvenirs, alcoholic drinks, tips and other personal expenses (about $50 per day per person). Ethiopia is primarily a cash only economy. ATMs are few and unreliable. Credit cards are not widely accepted.
Are there particular local or religious do’s and don’ts that runners should be aware of (clothing, alcoholic beverages, etc)?
For tours to religious sites, such as the churches in Lalibela, your guide will advise you to remove your shoes and headwear before entering a church. Your clothing should also cover your shoulders and knees, so no tank tops or short shorts. Similarly, custom dictates that you do not smoke or chew gum. Religious sites are actively used as places of worship and should be respected accordingly.
What is included in the price of registration?
All meals, transportation, guiding services, entrance fees, and accommodations are included beginning upon your arrival at Addis Ababa International Airport. International airfare to Addis is not included, but discounts are available through Ethiopian Airlines.
What is not included with registration?
Alcoholic beverages, any costs of a personal nature, tips for guides and drivers, and video or photography fees where they are required.
Can I bring a guest who does not want to run?
Yes. Guests who don’t participate in the race may still register for a tour at $200 below the standard tour price.
What is the cancellation policy?
Cancellation before May 20th: 90% refund
Cancellation before August 20th: 80% refund
No refunds after August 20th
Will this be an annual event?
Yes. The Haile Gebrselassie Marathon and Tour will be an annual event.
Will there be other events like this in other countries?
Yes. Stay tuned for the announcement of Mystery Marathon II in a new exotic locale!
Are the races just for elite athletes?
Absolutely not! There will be some very good Ethiopian residents participating, but we encourage runners of all levels and abilities to register. It is our goal to bring an even mix of international runners and local Ethiopians together for this unique, global event.
Are there a lot of hills on the course?
Hawassa is one of the flattest cities in Ethiopia and there are no major hills on the course. There are a few gradual gradients leading up from the lakeside roads into the center of town.
Click HERE for Race-specific questions.
Click HERE for Tour-specific questions.
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